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A# Major Piano Chord

    Piano Diagram of A# Major in Root Position

    A# Maj Chord - Root Position - Piano Diagram

    To get an A# Major chord, you combine the root (A#), the 3rd (Cx which is called “C double sharp” and is an enharmonic equivalent of D), and the 5th note (E#) from the A# major diatonic scale. In other words, an A# Major chord is a major triad built upon the key of A#. Keep reading to get a better grip on the music theory behind this chord.


    Structure of A# Major


    A#, Cx, E#


    R, 3, 5


    Fingers Position


    Left Hand

    4, 2, 1

    5, 3, 2

    Right Hand

    1, 2, 4

    1, 3, 5


    A# Major Chord Inversions


    The A# Major chord has a total of 2 inversions:

    Root Position: A# Cx E#
    1st Inversion: Cx E# A#
    2nd Inversion: E# A# Cx

     Piano Keyboard Diagrams

    Music Theory and Harmony of A# Major


    What are Major Chords?

    Major chords are one of the two primary types of chords in music, along with minor chords. The primary distinction between the two lies in the 3rd note of the chord – major chords use a major 3rd, while minor chords use a minor 3rd. Due to the major third interval, major chords generally evoke a “happy” or “bright” quality, creating a sense of stability and resolution.


    Building the A# Major Chord: Different Approaches


    Starting from the A# Major Scale

    To build a major chord, you can use the major scale as a reference. You will need to combine a root, a major 3rd, and a 5th interval.

    For instance, to build the A# Major chord, you can start with the A# Major scale.


    A sharp Major Diatonic Scale up to octave
    A sharp Major Scale


    A sharp Major Diatonic Scale up to octave Keyless Notation
    A sharp Major Scale – Keyless Notation


    To create an A# Major chord, apply the formula R, 3, 5 in the following manner:

    1. Begin with the root note, which is A#.
    2. Select the major 3rd interval, which is Cx (D), and add it to the chord.
    3. Finally, add the 5th interval, which is E# (F).

    By following this simple formula, you can create a major chord from any major scale.


    by Combining Intervals

    One method to create a major chord is by combining specific intervals – a major 3rd, and a minor 3rd. For example, let’s consider the A# Major chord.

    3 + m3 = Major Chords

    By examining the intervals between the notes, we can see that A#-Cx (Bb-D) forms a major 3rd interval, and Cx-E# (D-F) creates a minor 3rd interval. These two intervals can be stacked together to create the A# Major chord.


    A# Major in a Chord Progression


    The following tables display the harmonization of major and their relative natural minor scales for keys that contain an A# Major chord in different positions (degrees of the scale).

    A# major is a theoretical key with 10 sharps, including three double sharps and four single sharps, making it impractical due to the high number of accidentals. Musicians commonly opt for its enharmonic equivalent, Bb major, which has only two flats. This applies to other keys where an A# major chord is present, such as E# and D# major, as well as all minor keys (Fx, Cx, and B#). Therefore, it is more practical to refer to the equivalent chord, Bb major.

    on Major Scales

    Major Scales I ii iii IV V vi vii
    A# = Bb Bb Maj = A# Maj C min D min Eb Maj F Maj G min A dim
    E# = F F Maj G min A min Bb Maj = A# Maj C Maj D min E dim
    D# = Eb Eb Maj F min G min Ab Maj Bb Maj = A# Maj C min D dim
    • Tonic chord in Bb Major as Bb Major
    • Subdominant chord in F Major as Bb Major
    • Dominant chord in Eb Major as Bb Major


    on Natural minor Scales

    Minor Scales i ii III iv v VI VII
    Fx = G G min A dim Bb Maj = A# Maj C min D min Eb Maj F Maj
    Cx = D D min E dim F Maj G min A min Bb Maj = A# Maj C Maj
    B# = C C min D dim Eb Maj F min G min Ab Maj Bb Maj = A# Maj
    • Mediant chord in G minor as Bb Major
    • Submediant chord in D minor as Bb Major
    • Leading tone chord in C minor as Bb Major


    A# Maj in A# Major

    Check Bb Maj in Bb Maj


    A# Maj in E# Major

    Check Bb Maj in F Major


    A# Maj in D# Major

    Check Bb Maj in Eb Major


    A# Maj in Fx Minor

    Check Bb Maj in G minor


    A# Maj in Cx Minor

    Check Bb Maj in D minor


    A# Maj in B# Minor

    Check Bb Maj in C minor


    Alternative Names for A# Major

    • La# +
    • A# M
    • A#Maj
    • La# M
    • A# Maj
    • A#mag
    • A# Magg
    • La# Magg
    • A sharp Major


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