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D#m6 Piano Chord

    Piano Diagram of D#m6 in Root Position

    D#m6 Chord - Root Position - Piano Diagram

    The D#m6 is a chord made up of four notes D#, F#, A#, and B#. It’s the minor chord built on the key of D# with an added major 6th interval (B#). It belongs to the chord family of “added tone chords” (aka “add chord”) because it has an extra tone added to a minor triad. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the music theory behind this chord.


    Structure of D#m6


    D#, F#, A#, B#


    R, m3, 5, 6


    Finger Position

    Left Hand

    5, 3, 2, 1

    5, 4, 2, 1

    Right Hand

    1, 2, 4, 5

    1, 2, 3, 4


    D#m6 Chord Inversions

    The D#m6 chord has a total of 3 inversions:

    Root Position: D# F# A# B#
    1st Inversion: F# A# B# D#
    2nd Inversion: A# B# D# F#
    3rd Inversion: B# D# F# A#

    Piano Keyboard Diagrams


    D#m6 Chord Equivalencies

    Rearranging the notes of a chord can lead to interesting and unique chord equivalencies. This is especially true for 6th chords, as we can create a different type of chord by rearranging the notes of a minor 6th chord in a specific way.

    If we take the 3rd inversion of a minor 6th chord, where the 6th note becomes the root note, we end up with a minor 7th flat 5th chord (also known as a half-diminished chord).

    For example, let’s take the D#m6 chord, which consists of the notes D#, F#, A#, and B#. By rearranging the notes so that B# becomes the root note, we get a B#m7b5 chord with the notes B#, D#, F#, and A#.

    3rd Inversion of D#m6 = B#m7b5

    The reason why the 3rd inversion of a minor 6th chord results in a minor 7th flat 5th chord is due to the note relationships between the chords. When we move the 6th note to become the root note, we end up with a chord that has a minor 3rd, diminished 5th, and a minor 7th interval. These intervals are the same as a m7b5 chord.

    Also, note that the 3rd inversion of a minor 6th chord is a dominant 9th chord without root. D#m6 3rd inversion is B#, D#, F#, A# which could be considered also a G#9 (G#, B#, D#, F#, A#) without the root.

    Music Theory and Harmony of D#m6

    A D# minor 6th chord consists of four notes, a D# minor triad, plus a 6th interval. Due to the inclusion of the major sixth interval, represented by the note B#, the D# minor 6th chord generates a sense of tension that can either be resolved by transitioning to a more stable chord or utilized to create a feeling of “uncertain stability.”


    Building the D#m6 Chord: Different Approaches

    Starting from the D# Major Scale

    To build a minor 6th chord, you would include the root note, minor third, fifth, and sixth from a minor scale.

    However, when teaching this concept, it can be more effective to demonstrate its construction using a major scale. This is because a major scale better illustrates the relationship between intervals and their respective qualities.

    For instance, to build the D#m6 chord, you can start with the D# Major scale:


    D# Major Diatonic Scale

    D# Major Scale


    D# Major Diatonic Scale up to 13th - Keyless Notation

    D# Major scale – Keyless Notation.


    To create a D#m6 chord, apply the formula R, m3, 5, 6 in the following manner:

    1. Begin with the Root note, D#.
    2. Select the 3rd interval Fx then lower it down by a half-tone to get the minor 3rd, F#.
    3. Include the 5th note, which is A#, to the chord.
    4. Finally, add the 6th interval, B#.

    By following this simple formula, you can create a minor 6th chord from any major scale.


    by Combining Intervals

    One method to create a minor 6th chord is by combining specific intervals – a minor 3rd, a major 3rd, and a major 2nd (a whole-tone).

    m3 + 3 + 2 = minor 6th Chords

    To illustrate, let’s use the D#m6 chord as an example: by examining the intervals between the notes, we can see that

    • D#-F# is a minor 3rd interval,
    • F#-A# is a major 3rd interval,
    • and A#-B# is a whole-tone interval.

    These three intervals can be stacked together to create the D#m6 chord.


    How to Use D#m6 in a Chord Progression


    A minor 6th chords can be used as a variation of a minor chords. However, it’s important to understand that the major 6th interval present in this chord may not always be a part of the scale being used.

    on Natural minor Scales

    Minor Scales i ii III iv v VI VII
    D# D# min7 ⇒ D#m6 E#m7b5 F# Maj7 G# min7 A# min7 B Maj7 C#7
    A# A# min7 B#m7b5 C# Maj7 D# min7 ⇒ D#m6 E# min7 F# Maj7 G#7
    G# G# min7 A#m7b5 B Maj7 C# min7 D# min7 ⇒ D#m6 E Maj7 F#7
    • Non-diatonic Tonic chord in D# minor
    • Subdominant chord in A# minor
    • Non-diatonic Dominant chord in G# minor

    on Major Scales

    Major Scales I ii iii IV V vi vii
    C# C# Maj7 D# min7 ⇒ D#m6 E# min7 F# Maj7 G#7 A# min7 B#m7b5
    B B Maj7 C# min7 D# min7 ⇒ D#m6 E Maj7 F#7 G# min7 A#m7b5
    F# F# Maj7 G# min7 A# min7 B Maj7 C#7 D# min7 ⇒ D#m6 E#m7b5
    • Supertonic chord in C# Major
    • Non-diatonic Mediant chord in B Major
    • Non-diatonic Submediant chord in F# Major
    Non-diatonic positions

    In the case of the D# minor 6th chord, the B# does not exist in either the D# natural minor scale or the F# major scale. This is why the D# minor 6th chord (and any other chords with non-scale tones) are called “non-diatonic.”

    As a result, it is possible that the inclusion of this chord could cause dissonance within a melody or harmonic progression. So, just be careful when you use this chord in your music. Make sure it works well with the other chords and notes so that it makes the whole piece sound better.


    D#m6 Function in Major and Minor Keys

    Understanding Scale Degrees

    Scale degrees are essential for understanding the relationship between the notes in a scale and how they function within chords. The diatonic major scale consists of seven degrees, each with its unique role in creating the overall harmony of the scale.

    1. The first degree of the scale is known as the Tonic, which serves as the anchor for the music. It establishes a stable tonal center that acts as the foundation for the scale.
    2. The second degree is called the Supertonic, often used as a transitional note between the Tonic and other notes in the scale. It creates a sense of motion within the melody or harmony.
    3. The third degree of the scale is the Mediant, which sits halfway between the Tonic and Dominant notes. It helps establish whether the scale is major or minor.
    4. The fourth degree is called the Subdominant, used to complement the Dominant and add tension and resolution to the music.
    5. The fifth degree is the Dominant, which creates tension and anticipation within the melody or harmony, typically resolved by returning to the Tonic.
    6. The sixth degree is the Submediant, often employed as a transitional note between the Dominant and Tonic, adding a sense of stability and restfulness to the music.
    7. The seventh degree is the Leading tone, located one half-step below the Tonic. It creates a strong sense of tension and a desire to resolve to the Tonic, frequently used to create a sense of resolution and finality in the melody or harmony.


    D#m6 in D# minor (Non-Diatonic)

    The D# minor 6th chord is a unique and intriguing option as the tonic chord in the D# natural minor scale, as it creates a complex and ambiguous harmonic center. The presence of the major 6th interval (B#, equivalent to a natural C) adds tension and dissonance to the chord, creating a sense of instability and uncertainty.

    However, since B# is not included in the scale, the D#m6 may clash with the melody, bass line, or other elements of the music. This dissonance can be used to create a sense of tension, but it can also make the chord difficult to use in certain musical contexts.

    Non-diatonic chords, as the D#m6 in this case, can be used to modulate between keys or to add harmonic color and contrast to a composition. It can be used as part of a chromatic modulation to move to a related key or to create a sense of chromaticism within the natural minor scale.

    i ii III iv v VI VII
    D# min7 ⇒ D#m6 E#m7b5 F# Maj7 G# min7 A# min7 B Maj7 C#7


    D#m6 Chord Progressions as i degree

    The following chord progressions are examples of how the D# minor 6th chord can serve as the tonic chord (i degree). I’ve added a possible voicing but it’s just a suggestion.


    i VI VII III
    i VI VII III

    (D#, F#, A#, B#)

    B Maj7

    (D#, F#, A#, B)


    (C#, E#, G#, B)

    F# Maj7

    (C#, E#, F#, A#)


    Chromatic modulation
    i iΔ i7 i6
    D# min

    (D#, F#, A#, D#)

    D# min(Maj7)

    (D#, F#, A#, D)

    D# min7

    (D#, F#, A#, C#)


    (D#, F#, A#, B#)


    i iv VI VII
    i iv VI VII
    D# min7 | D#m6

    D# (F#, A#, C#) | D# (F#, A#, B#)*

    G# min7

    (D#, F#, G#, B)

    B Maj7

    (B, D#, F#, A#)


    (B, C#, E#, G#)

    (*Play the root note with your left hand and the notes within the brackets with your right hand.)


    D#m6 in A# minor

    The D# minor 6th can also appear as the subdominant chord in the key of A# minor.

    i ii III iv v VI VII
    A# min7 B#m7b5 C# Maj7 D# min7 ⇒ D#m6 E# min7 F# Maj7 G#7


    D#m6 Chord Progressions as iv degree

    The following chord progressions feature a D#m6 chord as the subdominant (iv degree):


    iv III VI VII
    iv III VI VII
    D#m9 | D#m6

    D# (F#, A#, C#, E#) | D# (F#, A#, B#, D#)

    C# Maj7 F# Maj7 G#7
    i iv VI v
    i iv VI v
    A# min7 D#m6 | D#m7 F# Maj7 E# min7


    D#m6 in G# minor (Non-Diatonic)

    The D#m6 chord can also function as a variation of the dominant chord in the G# natural minor scale. When used as a dominant minor chord in a minor key, the D#m6 creates a tense and unresolved sound that conveys a feeling of instability and urgency.

    This chord generates a sense of anticipation and tension in the music as if it is leading somewhere and needs to resolve to the tonic chord (G# min) to provide a sense of closure.

    In this way, the dominant minor chord acts as a musical bridge that connects the other chords in the progression to the tonic. It contrasts with the tonic chord by creating tension and movement, while the tonic chord represents stability and resolution.

    i ii III iv v VI VII
    G# min7 A#m7b5 B Maj7 C# min7 D# min7 ⇒ D#m6 E Maj7 F#7


    D#m6 as v degree – Chord Progressions

    If you want to hear how the D# minor 6th chord sounds as the dominant (V) chord in the G# natural minor scale, try playing the following chord progressions. However, it may sound slightly dissonant due to the absence of the 6th (B#) in the G# minor scale. Nevertheless, the D#m6 chord could be an option for creating certain musical effects.


    i iv VI v
    i iv VI v
    G# min7 C# min7 E Maj7 D#m7 | D#m6


    i v VI VII
    i v VI VII
    G# min7 D#m7 | D#m6 E Maj7 F#7


    i VI v iv
    i VI v iv
    G# min7 E Maj7 D#m7 | D#m6 C# min7


    D#m6 in C# Major

    Besides its use in natural minor scales, the D#m6 chord can also be played in major keys. In the key of C# major, for instance, the D#m6 chord functions as the supertonic chord, located on the second degree of the scale.

    A supertonic minor 6th chord in a major key produces a slightly tense and unresolved sound, creating a feeling of anticipation or expectation as it typically leads to the dominant or subdominant chords.

    I ii iii IV V vi vii
    C# Maj7 D# min7 ⇒ D#m6 E# min7 F# Maj7 G#7 A# min7 B#m7b5


    D#m6 Chord Progressions as ii degree

    Try playing the following chord progressions to better understand how the D#m6 chord functions as the supertonic (ii) chord in the key of C# major.


    ii V I
    ii V I
    D# min6 G#7 C# Maj7


     I IV ii V iii vi ii V
    I IV ii V iii vi ii V
    C# Maj7 F# Maj7 D#m6 | D#m7 G#7 E# min7 A# min7 D# min7 G#7


    D#m6 in B Major (Non-Diatonic)

    In addition to its positions in natural minor scales and major keys, the D#m6 chord can also function as the mediant (iii) chord in the key of B major, located on the third degree of the scale.

    The mediant minor chord creates a temporary tonal ambiguity or departure from the established tonality of the key before returning to the tonic chord.

    I ii iii IV V vi vii
    B Maj7 C# min7 D# min7 ⇒ D#m6 E Maj7 F#7 G# min7 A#m7b5


    D#m6 Chord Progressions as iii degree

    To better understand how the D#m6 serves as the mediant (iii) in the B major scale, you can try playing the following chord progressions.


    I iii IV V
    I iii IV V
    B Maj7 D# min7 | D# min6 E Maj7 F#7


    I iii ii V
    I iii ii V
    B Maj7 D# min7 | D# min6 C# min7 F#7


    I iii vi V
    I iii vi IV
    B Maj7 D# min7 | D# min6 G# min7 E Maj7


    D#m6 in F# Major (Non-Diatonic)

    The D#m6 chord can be played on the sixth degree of the F# major scale, functioning as the submediant chord. The submediant chord is typically characterized by a feeling of relaxation and stability in a chord progression.

    However, when the chord is formed using a major 6th interval, it can create a sense of uncertainty or ambiguity. This can add an interesting twist to the otherwise stable and calming effect of the submediant chord.

    I ii iii IV V vi vii
    F# Maj7 G# min7 A# min7 B Maj7 C#7 D# min7 ⇒ D#m6 E#m7b5


    D#m6 as vi degree – Chord Progressions

    You can explore the sound of D#m6 as the submediant chord in the key of F# major by playing the following chord progressions:


    I iii vi V
    I iii vi V
    F# Maj7 A# min7 D# min7 | D# min6 C#7


    I vi ii V
    I vi ii V
    F# Maj7 D# min6 G# min7 C#7


     I IV ii V iii vi ii V
    I IV ii V iii vi ii V
    F# Maj7 B Maj7 G# min7 C#7 A# min7 D# min6 G# min7 C#7


    Alternative Nomenclature for D#m6

    • D# -6
    • Re# -6
    • Re# m6
    • D# m6th
    • D# min6
    • Re# min6
    • D# m(add6)
    • D# min add 6
    • D# minor 6th
    • D# minor sixth



    The chord progressions and examples presented in this post provide a comprehensive overview of the most common uses of the D# min6 chord. It’s important to note, however, that many advanced harmony-related topics could not be included due to space constraints. These topics include chord progressions built on harmonic and melodic scales, modal scales, hidden tonality, secondary dominants and other chord substitutions, non-functional harmony and atonal music, modal interchange and borrowed chords, voice leading and counterpoint, chromatisms, jazz harmony…I mean, music theory is a huge topic!

    Although I couldn’t cover all of these topics in my post, I encourage readers to continue exploring these areas in their study and research. By expanding your knowledge in these advanced areas of music theory, you can gain a deeper understanding of the harmonic possibilities that exist beyond the basics presented here.

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